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Because - two fateful syllables

The word BECAUSE has fascinated me for some time. It has almost magical power, whether we use it in a way that serves us or in a way that goes against us. BECAUSE can be empowering or dis-empowering. In any case, the word expresses a reason or justification. It confirms the statement that precedes or follows it.

November 20, 2020

Change – the Most Enriching Thing in Life

Sounds like an oxymoron but if we consider that we are born into a world of unlimited possibilities, with unlimited creative power...

October 30, 2020

Answer 5 Questions to Become Comfortable with YourOwn Power

Many people, and especially women, have a broken or at least unclear relationship with power...

October 24, 2020

Do You Fear Change?

What better time to ask this question! Change is happening so fast these days, it’s as if we’re sitting on a roller coaster that just never stops..


August 12, 2020

Owning your value. How does that work?

In my talks, especially when speaking to women in corporate or professional services, I often mention the importance of owning your value so that others can see it as well...

June 3, 2020

What's Your Weird?

Have you ever felt like “the weird one?” Like, “Is there something wrong with me” or like “Am I the odd one or are all others?”...

April 6, 2020

Heartset over Mindset: Start with the Heart !

Last year, I wrote several articles that touched on HEARTSET, like “Is Your Brain in the Right Place: How to upgrade your conversations by thinking with your heart” and “Stop Making Spreadsheets over Important Decisions.”

March 29, 2020

Diversity in Adversity

As soon as we were confronted with this previously unknown virus, some people were quick to give it a nationality...

March 5, 2020

Today, I was asked: "What does International Women’s Day mean to you?"

We shouldn’t need to remind ourselves of the critical roles of women on International Women’s Day but while we do...

November 26, 2019

Stop Making Spreadsheets over Important Decisions!

Drop everything for a moment and think about this: How do you typically make decisions? Because it could change not only your career, but your entire life...

November 2, 2019

Courageous Leadership: Leading with a Clear Vision and without Need for Validation

Courageous leaders are visionary and innovative. Innovative leaders cannot exist without courage...

November 2, 2019

Is Your Soul Searching You?

If you’re reading this article, that’s a sign that you’ve done some soul searching at some point in your life...

September 16, 2019

Co-Creation Is the Future

Co-creation is one of my most treasured principles. Co-creation among races, ethnicities, nations, ages, genders...

August 16, 2019

Lack of Inclusion Is Costly. Humanizing the Workplace Pays off

According to estimates by Gallup, one disengaged worker costs a company around 34%...

June 12, 2019

Only You Can Decide if You’re Ready to Change Your Life

Have you been putting off standing up for yourself in your career, renegotiating your salary, asking for a raise or a promotion?

June 12, 2019

Creating Success with Less Stress and More Fulfillment Is Easier than You Think - with the Right Habits

Just keep working hard! Persist and one day you’ll be successful. Someday, you’ll be rewarded for all your hard work! – Sounds familiar?

April 25, 2019

You Are Plastic

...95% of your behavior is driven by your subconscious mind. This means you think you’re in control, but you are really not.

April 18, 2019

Change Your Habits, Change Your Life!

We all want to thrive, personally and professionally. But all too often “life gets in the way,” or rather, we get in our own way.

April 4, 2019

12 Career and Leadership Lessons Dance Has Taught Me

I didn’t grow up with dance and I’ve never been a professional dancer. There were no dance lessons in our little village, and there was no internet.

February 12, 2019

Venus Will Not Turn Retrograde This Year

The year has started with a bang for women in many ways: We are seeing women more women in political roles...

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