lemons lemonade

When life hands you lemons,… make a whiskey sour!

December 21, 20242 min read

Did you ever experience a situation where you were thinking: “This is the end! I can’t possibly find a way out of this mess! Why did this happen to me? It’s just too much!”

Have you experienced any of the following?

·        A challenge that seemed too big to tackle

·        A loss that seemed impossible to rebound from

·        A discovery so shocking it almost made you lose faith in humanity

·        A pain so deep that it seemed impossible to recover from

It seemed impossible to overcome.

And yet, you did it!

And so did I. More than once.

Some such experiences for me were

·        Having to close a brick-and-mortar business six months after opening it because of a fraudulent business partner

·        Losing a residency permit to corrupt authorities who I refused to pay off

·        Having all my engagements taken away by the lockdown (some of which I’d worked for during an entire year and all of which I was super excited about, in locations like Abuja, Honolulu, Nairobi, London, Kigali, Kampala, Kansas City, Johannesburg, Lagos,…) – yeah, yeah, I know I was not the only one who suffered from these measures, but yet… it sure was a huge disappointment having agreements and MOUs canceled from one day to the next. Only entrepreneurs understand how much investment goes into events and engagements before they even happen…

·        And I could surely list more of these situations.

But the thing is: It doesn’t really matter what the situation is about.

What matters is that we can always bounce back.

We are way stronger than we think!

As the saying goes:

When life hands you lemons,…

…make a whiskey sour!


By stepping out of victim mode and into a self-empowering mindset.

This is how your biggest losses can become your biggest gains.

For example, more than one of my clients who were laid off either found better jobs (and negotiated higher paychecks as part of the process) or decided to finally implement that business idea that had been on their minds forever.

There’s always another way.

Because our potential is unlimited, and the strength and power that we have inside of us, is as well.

The trick is to grab the lemons… and alchemize them into our favorite concoction. Transform our adversities into opportunities for growth.

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others.

Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages.

Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show.

She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

Regina Huber

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others. Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages. Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show. She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

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