Having a bad day? – Press the reset button!
This article is about a specific day in 2023.
That day did not start as I would have wanted it to start.
I woke up from a highly intriguing dream, and I was just in the middle of exploring some important details, when my alarm clock pulled me out of it. Don’t you hate that? You’re onto something super exciting and you’re abruptly disconnected from uncovering a major mystery. Yikes! Not my favorite way to come back into this reality. Who invented alarm clocks anyway? 😊
Then, I did something I don’t usually do (but I did it on Tuesday – my bad!): I opened my email on my phone before proceeding to my regular morning routine. Not a good idea at all! There was a series of emails that triggered me into anger. Someone’s careless communication cost me almost an extra hour of effort and time, cleaning up the mess this person had caused for the entire group copied on that email. Again, my bad! I could have left it to someone else… but I felt compelled to step in and to sacrifice a quick visit to the beach and sunset for it,… and I was furious!
And in my fury, I dropped a glass of water (gladly not on my laptop!). So I found myself cleaning up yet another mess!
My first meeting was scheduled for 9am. I was all ready and set to go, waiting on zoom, when I received a text message from my meeting partner to reschedule. Ok, it happens… We rescheduled, and I got some other work done instead.
At 10am, I quickly changed into my gym clothes for an online dance class that was scheduled for that time. Guess what: the class was canceled… What the heck!
Ever had one of those days? When everything seems upside down and your entire schedule is disrupted?
It’s not the end of the world, but it can sure feel a bit annoying… like nothing’s going right and everything is off…
...if you allow yourself to be swept away by this thought.
But fortunately, we always have a choice.
A choice to change.
Change is our chance.
Our chance to start over and make the day a better one.
So, if I wanted that Tuesday to become a pleasant and fruitful one, it was up to me to change the vibe of the day, to redirect my focus. After all, I was going to support coaching clients during their sessions that afternoon, record an inspiring podcast episode, have a meeting with a new partner for a work project, and write this article. So I pulled myself together, and…
…I hit the reset button!
Sometimes, that requires taking a time-out, even if just for 10 minutes. And that’s exactly what I did.
I sat down on the floor leaning against the wall, closed my eyes and engaged in a round of deep breathing. When I got up, I felt ready to take on the rest of the day, and it went beautifully. It became a day worth living.
So when you have a day like this, maybe in the office, where you feel like things aren’t going great, remember that you always have the choice to press that reset button!
Start with a deep breath. Look at your situation from a bird’s perspective: Is it really serious enough for you to be dragged down by it? In most cases, it’s not. Physically taking a step back to move yourself out of the situation can also help… Experiment with a few ways to figure out what works best for you.
Whichever method you choose, it’s up to you to make a choice. You’ll see how awesome it feels to be in charge of your vibe, your attitude, and your emotional wellness.
Need more guidance to get to a better place today? – Email me. I've got your back.