Are you depriving yourself of an opportunity? Then it’s time to write a new story and rehearse a new script! RIGHT NOW!
Are you telling yourself a disempowering story about yourself, your life so far or your future?
Do you tend to talk yourself out of opportunities like…
1. Starting a new venture… because it would be “too risky?”
2. Going on a trip to your dream destination… because you have “more important” things to do?
3. Investing in yourself… because it would be “selfish” to spend time or money on yourself or because you simply don’t trust yourself to create change,… so why make the investment in the first place?
Then it’s time to write a new story. A new story of what you are worthy and capable of.
Your particular opportunity may be about something completely different. These examples can still point you in the right direction. (If not, DM me, and I’ll be happy to set you on the right path.)
1. A new venture:
If you want to start a new venture, like a new project, there will be moments when you need to learn through experimenting. So-called “mistakes” will allow you to reach your next level of mastery, so I suggest you accept that they are part of the game. Let’s just determine that you have the right to not get it perfect the first time around. (Little secret: It’s what happens to most people.)
In this case, your new story is that it’s ok to learn, grow, and move on. (Or phrase it in your own words.)
2. Traveling to your dream destination:
Whether you’re dreaming of traveling to Hawaii to enjoy a few days of relaxation and natural beauty, or of bringing adventure back into your life in Senegal or Nepal, or of hiking in the Alps, you can do it!
If your budget is holding you back, then let me tell you (from my own experience) that it doesn’t always have to cost as much as you may think. Depending on the destination, there are unlimited possibilities – anything from backpacking and sleeping in a tent or a hut on the beach (check on safety for that) to Airbnb to luxury hotel accommodation. If you’re serious about this dream, then I am sure you will find what fits both your preferences and your budget. For example, I often combine work and play, and at some point, in the past, I even just put all my things into storage and traveled to different destinations for six months in a row, booking some speaking gigs along the way. (Now, of course, I can serve my coaching clients from anywhere, assuming I have reliable internet, which may not be your case, but my point is, as a business owner, you don’t even necessarily have to double-pay rent in a high-cost city like New York while going after some passion projects that may not be that high-ticket.)
So, unless there’s an important caretaking situation in your family that you cannot abandon, all it requires is for you to change your story to “possible,” hop into your car, a plane, a bus, or a ship, and leave!
3. Investing in yourself:
When it comes to investing in yourself, let’s just determine (because it is the truth) that you deserve to…
· Enjoy your activities, from your work to your hobbies
· Experience the things in life you find joy in
· Take optimum care of yourself and receive support whenever needed, whether that’s a wellness treatment, a dance class, or coaching.
You must believe that you deserve to put yourself at the center of your life. (In fact, the people around you may benefit from it, too! Because it’s just more fun to spend time with healthy and happy people, and when you take better care of yourself, you’ll be able to take better care of others when needed as well.)
Think about this: When did you learn that your needs were not important enough to get attention? Is this really true? And if not (hint: it isn’t!), what can you do today to have one specific need or desire addressed?
What if you drafted a new storyline based on what you read above, and started rehearsing your new script?
Pick one item from the list at the beginning of this article – launching a new project, going on your dream trip, investing in your success or wellbeing. What would this look like for you, specifically?
Let’s do a quick visualization for this to get you started on the right track. First read through the rest of the instructions, then do the exercise:
Close your eyes and create a mind movie about your desired scenario. What would it look like and feel like? What would you get out of it? What’s the benefit, the desired outcome? Will you feel happy, joyful, relieved, excited, supported,…? Give yourself some time to feel it out and to decide if this is right for you. If it feels right, allow yourself to feel deserving of it. If it doesn’t feel right, pick a different option and start over with a new script.
Once you have rehearsed your new script, open your eyes and take action right away: Take the first step in your project, book your trip, call a wellness center or research coaching options… Whatever it is for you.
You can do this! Give yourself permission to live the life that’s right for you: Your Freakin’ Amazing Life. For inspiration, check out my book LIVING MY FREAKIN' AMAZING LIFE - now on Amazon in English and Portuguese: VIVENDO MINHA VIDA INCRÍVEL. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DK78TTM6