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My Leadership Frameworks

Master the art of leadership with my exclusive proprietary Leadership Frameworks:
Elevate your leadership skills & your career with The T.H.R.I.V.I.N.G. Leader Formula (TTLF)™ and Powerful Leadership Transformation (PLT)™.

Revolutionize Team Dynamics with New-Paradigm Leadership (NPL)™.

Holistic, multi-disciplinary approaches that offer both depth and breadth.

The T.H.R.I.V.I.N.G. Leader Formula

T – Transform your career & leadership goals into a powerful, appealing vision that you are excited to implement.

H – Harness your strengths & potential in new ways to open unexpected possibilities for your own and your team’s performance and success.

R - Raise and uplevel your leadership of self to automatically strengthen your leadership of others.

I – Ignite your leader presence to enhance your charisma and visibility, and consequently your influence and impact.

V – Verbalize effectively: Build trust with all stakeholders and use Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ)® to get your message across and have fruitful meetings in any situation. Greater trust will give your team unshakable confidence and maximize their creativity.

I – Incentivize consistent team engagement to bring out the best in every single team member, without having to micromanage.

N – Negotiate successfully (powerfully and effectively) to get the results you want. This includes negotiating for yourself.

G – Gain command over your schedule through habits that minimize stress. Navigate priorities like a pro, effectively manage responsibilities, and reduce stress for self and others


Self-Reflection: Reflect and journal on talents, skills, strengths, competencies, experience, values, passions, expertise, etc.

Inventory Creation: Categorize and group unique assets according to parameters provided.

Prioritization & Evaluation: Rank assets by relevance and impact, in alignment with your vision and goals.

Strategic Career Enhancement: Strengthen expertise, expand network, elevate brand, and establish strategic goals utilizing & highlighting assets.

V – Verbalize effectively: Build trust with all stakeholders and use Conversational Intelligence (C-IQ)® to get your message across and have fruitful meetings in any situation. Greater trust will give your team unshakable confidence and maximize their creativity.

Integration & Application in Career: Strategically apply assets to projects, leadership and thought leadership.

Introducing New Leadership Paradigms &

Humanizing the Workplace drives profits

Distinguish yourself in your industry as a trailblazer for innovative, heart-centered, and human-focused leadership, easily attract and retain high-caliber talent, and improve your bottom line by reducing your turnover costs and increasing employee engagement and happiness with well-integrated, engaged teams... all that while reducing your stress and increasing the fulfillment you gain from your leadership.


  1. By fostering a trust-based team environment that values and encourages the unique creativity and skills of each team member, allowing them to maximize the use of their potential, bring their best selves, and find greater fulfillment in their work.

  1. By offering tailored Transformational Leadership Coaching to high-performing individuals who need support to distinguish themselves for leadership roles.

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