3 steps to unleash your untapped potential for greater success & impact
Not too long ago, I published a LinkedIn poll where I asked: “What is growth to you?”
I gave the following four options, and I am posting the percentage of votes for each next to them:
1. Finetuning my awareness 27%
2. Increasing my knowledge/skills 9%
3. Advancing professionally 18%
4. Deeply exploring my potential 45%
As you can see, growth means different things to different people. This poll also suggests that exploring their potential is one of the most important growth priorities for most. A logical conclusion would be that “growth mindset” also means different things to different people...
But let's focus our attention on how we can “deeply explore our potential” because 45% responded that this was what growth meant to them:
You probably know that your potential is limitless.
What that means is that you can never step into your full potential. We wouldn’t even be able to define what your full potential looks like, what it consists of,… because it is limitless. It constantly expands.
What you can do, though, is explore the vast richness of its content, a lot of which is still untapped. Because you can only use your potential if you’re aware of what’s in it.
Here are three practical steps to explore your potential:
Step 1:
First, make a list of all your talents, skills, strengths, studies, competencies, and capabilities. Write down at least 30. (I know you have more.) Also include talents and strengths that you may never have valued, just because they came easy to you.
Then go through your list and mark any items you have not used (fully) in your career or elsewhere in your life.
Reflect on how you can put them to (greater) use.
Determine concrete action steps to take advantage of the immense value of their potential.
Step 2:
Make a list of your passions: What are you passionate about? This could be about activities you particularly enjoy doing, or else topics or causes you deeply care about.
Contemplate your passions. Which of them have been suppressed, maybe because you never made time for them or because you haven’t figured out how to apply them in your work or elsewhere? Could seemingly unrelated passions become relevant to your work, and if so, how?
Let me give you an example: I have a passion for dance, which may not seem related to my profession. However, dance has taught me a myriad of precious lessons for business and leadership. They intrinsically flow into my unique coaching and training approach.
How could your passions add value to your work, your unique approach?
Step 3:
Stay open to new discoveries. Consider the possibility that in your potential, there is more to be uncovered every single day. Not everything may be obvious to you right now. As you keep digging, you may be surprised at what comes to light.
Stay curious and schedule an exploratory session every month. Reflect on what has changed and what else could be possible.
I’m curious to hear what you will discover. Also feel free to share any other experiences you may have had with other practices to unleash your potential.