
Read articles by/about me & my work

My article Master Your Executive Presence! - But How? was published in The Corporate Magazine on February 21, 2022.

Women Transitioning Report 2021 with my contributed quote.

Enjoy my article Why you don’t need a role model on Medium.

Read my article How to Make Your Mondays Marvelous on Medium.

Read my article 7 Behaviors of Successful Career Women on Medium.

Read my article Productivity down? - Movement helps! on Medium.

My article Courageous Leadership: Leading from the Heart, in Ethical Integrity and without Need for Validation in The Corporate Magazine published on Febru-ary 17, 2020.

My article Those Who Transform Themselves, Can Inspire Others to Transform in Greatness Engineering Magazine October 2020.

My 2020 article on a New Business Consciousness of Love, Compassion and Co-creation.

My article Stay Engaged at Work and Keep Your Spirits High for NEW Network of Executive Women June 2020.

Read my contribution to the UpJourney article How to Not Be Nervous Before and During a Job Interview.

Article by Estienne de Beer, who compiled the advice of 18 experts, including mine (#9), for Meerkat Motivator, a South African publication.

Bruce Weinstein’s Forbes article 50 Simple Ways To Care For Yourself During The Pandemic, which includes my tips to make it through the COVID-19 phase. My article Diversity Practitioners: Engage Your Leaders on p. 13 of Winter 2020 Inclusion Magazine.

Blog post for Network of Executive Women (NEW) on March 25: 3 Guidelines for Kicking off or Evaluating Your Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

Featured on Women2Watch

My feature on WorldWidewomen

Article on MindMoneyMedia based on my interview with Stacey Tisdale: Getting Middle Managers to Embrace D&I Strategies

My FWA Member of the Month feature on the FWA website

My poem for Female Wave of Change

Feature for the FWA’s Walk It, Run It, Sprint It, Dance It Half-Marathon event.

Sharing an article with my thoughts on Diversity & Inclusion by Robin Madell, published on FlexJobs on 2/26/19: What Really Drives Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives? Leadership Support

Bob Lipp’s press release about our D&I white paper Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Thrive with Maximum Leadership Support

Blog post for Network of Executive Women (NEW): January 2019: Is Your Brain in the Right Place?

Interview featured in Inspire Magazine, October 2018 issue, Cameroon

Diversity Woman Magazine (page 13): Be Your Best Self: Cash out on your Distinctive Uniqueness

Evolve Magazine: What's Right with You?

Lisa Jendza’s Glow Natural Natural Health Ezine: Are You Connected With Your Power?

Press release November 2017: Ed Bracey’s Making Major Moves in the Marketplace

Forbes: Move Over 'Power Pose,' Here Comes 'Power Dance'

SpeakerHub: Stand in Your Speaking Power

No One Owns Your Career But You

Up the Meeting Game and Walk away with What You Came for

Co-Creating Success: Women Can’t Do It Alone… And We Are Not Supposed to

Exploring Opportunities for Co-Creation in Ghana & South Africa

Women's Workshops That Work

Turn Your Speaking Anxiety into Excitement

Evolve Magazine, pages 9-12: Corporate Leadership Patterns that Make the Difference: Secrets to Business Success

Co-Author of article 8 Tips to Perfect Your Business Pitch published by Pooja Krishna

Goldstreet Business, Ghana, July 2017: US human resource expert to begin training for one million Ghanaian women

Letlotlo/WOVSA Magazine, South Africa, August 2017, page 22

Huffington Post Blog Book Review Speak up, Stand out and Shine: Speak Powerfully in Any Situation

Marie Abanga’s blog Sep. 2017, Book Review Speak up, Stand out and Shine: Speak Powerfully in Any Situation~

Take The Lead Women blog: UN, Take The Lead Focus on Pay Gap, Gender Equity Strategies Globally

Take The Lead Women blog: Why Take The Lead Training Works Recruiting, Retaining Women Leaders

Take The Lead Women blog: The World Needs Your Power and Your Smile

Take The Lead Women blog: Use Power Tools to Drive Profits with More Women Leadership on Your Board

In September 2024, my contribution to The Pivotal Moments That Can Shape Your Career Path: 17 Stories from Leaders was published as the first of all 17 stories
on Career Connectors.

In July 2024, my piece Value Individual Contributions was published as a contribution to the article How to Tell If a Company Offers an Inclusive Workplace in RiseBlog.

In 2024, I was featured in CIO Times as part of Top 5 Impactful Business -Leaders to Follow on pages 34 - 37.

Q&A with Regina Huber in The Trusted Magazine 2024.
Read my contribution to the article How Do Executives Balance Innovation with Risk? on, where I say: Prioritize People-Centered Decision-Making.  

Read my article What Could the New Business Consciousness of the Future Look Like for Africa? in ORGANIZATION LEADERSHIP & DEVELOPMENT QUARTERLY Centre for Organization Leadership & Development 2023.

Read my feature in Trusted Magazine by Trusted Advisors Group from July 2023.  

Read my article 5 Precious Jewels that Create Happier, More Engaged Teams in HRM Outlook, 2023.  

Read my article Build More Engaged, Happier Teams with New-Paradigm Leadership (NPL)™ on pages 13-15 of Modern Minds Magazine.  

Read my article New Business Consciousness of Love, Compassion and Co-Creation 2020.

Read my LinkedIn article What is wellbeing and why it must be an integral part of New Business Consciousness, Regina Huber, 2022.

Read my article Master Your Executive Presence! - But How? was published in The Corporate Magazine on February 21, 2022.

Read the Women Transitioning Report 2021 with my contributed quote.

Read my article Why you don’t need a role model on Medium.

Read my article How to Make Your Mondays Marvelous on Medium.

Read my article 7 Behaviors of Successful Career Women on Medium.

Read my article Productivity down? - Movement helps! on Medium.

My article Courageous Leadership: Leading from the Heart, in Ethical Integrity and without Need for Validation in The Corporate Magazine published on February 17, 2020.

My article Those Who Transform Themselves, Can Inspire Others to Transform in Greatness Engineering Magazine October 2020.

My article Stay Engaged at Work and Keep Your Spirits High for NEW Network of Executive Women June 2020.

Read my contribution to the UpJourney article How to Not Be Nervous Before and During a Job Interview.

Article by Estienne de Beer, who compiled the advice of 18 experts, including mine (#9), for Meerkat Motivator, a South African publication.

Bruce Weinstein’s Forbes article 50 Simple Ways To Care For Yourself During The Pandemic, which includes my tips to make it through the lockdown.

My article Diversity Practitioners: Engage Your Leaders on p. 13 of Winter 2020 Inclusion Magazine.

Blog post for Network of Executive Women (NEW) on March 25: 3 Guidelines for Kicking off or Evaluating Your Diversity and Inclusion Initiative

Featured on Women2Watch

My feature on WorldWidewomen

Article on MindMoneyMedia based on my interview with Stacey Tisdale: Getting Middle Managers to Embrace D&I Strategies

My FWA Member of the Month feature on the FWA website

My poem for Female Wave of Change

Feature for the FWA’s Walk It, Run It, Sprint It, Dance It Half-Marathon event.

Sharing an article with my thoughts on Diversity & Inclusion by Robin Madell, published on FlexJobs on 2/26/19: What Really Drives Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives? Leadership Support

Bob Lipp’s press release about our D&I white paper Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives Thrive with Maximum Leadership Support

blog post for Network of Executive Women (NEW): January 2019: Is Your Brain in the Right Place?

Interview featured in Inspire Magazine, October 2018 issue, Cameroon

Diversity Woman Magazine (page 13): Be Your Best Self: Cash out on your Distinctive Uniqueness.

Evolve Magazine: What's Right with You?

Lisa Jendza’s Glow Natural Natural Health Ezine: Are You Connected With Your Power?

Press release November 2017: Ed Bracey’s Making Major Moves in the Marketplace

Forbes: Move Over 'Power Pose,' Here Comes 'Power Dance'

SpeakerHub: Stand in Your Speaking Power

No One Owns Your Career But You

Up the Meeting Game and Walk away with What You Came for

Co-Creating Success: Women Can’t Do It Alone… And We Are Not Supposed to

Exploring Opportunities for Co-Creation in Ghana & South Africa

Women's Workshops That Work

Turn Your Speaking Anxiety into Excitement

Evolve Magazine, pages 9-12: Corporate Leadership Patterns that Make the Difference: Secrets to Business Success

Co-Author of article 8 Tips to Perfect Your Business Pitch published by Pooja Krishna

Goldstreet Business, Ghana, July 2017: US human resource expert to begin training for one million Ghanaian women

Letlotlo/WOVSA Magazine, South Africa, August 2017, page 22

Huffington Post Blog Book Review Speak up, Stand out and Shine: Speak Powerfully in Any Situation

Marie Abanga’s blog Sep. 2017, Book Review Speak up, Stand out and Shine: Speak Powerfully in Any Situation~

Take The Lead Women blog: UN, Take The Lead Focus on Pay Gap, Gender Equity Strategies Globally

Take The Lead Women blog: Why Take The Lead Training Works Recruiting, Retaining Women Leaders

Take The Lead Women blog: The World Needs Your Power and Your Smile

Take The Lead Women blog: Use Power Tools to Drive Profits with More Women Leadership on Your Board

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