Are you depriving yourself of an opportunity? Then it’s time to write a new story and rehearse a new script! RIGHT NOW!
Are you telling yourself a disempowering story about yourself, your life so far or your future?
Are you telling yourself a disempowering story about yourself, your life so far or your future?
We all have experienced what we commonly call “adversity,” to a larger or smaller extent. Sometimes, patterns of adversities build up over time, growing bigger with each of those events… until we address the underlying root cause. You’ve probably observed this in your own life. Some of my biggest adversities have been related to betrayal, threat, and corruption...
The words “freedom” and “success” are thrown around a lot because their meaning is very broad. Both words call for a myriad of potential definitions and interpretations. The word “freedom” has a central role in my life. I consider myself a free spirit, and everything I do is in the service of freedom: the freedom to be who we came to be and to live our lives in our unique way. And because adventure runs in my family, freedom for me is also tied into adventure.
Energy is the most valuable resource you have because it flows into everything you do, think and are; and you have control over it, while you don’t have control over many other resources. For example, you could argue that time is your most valuable resource; and you may be right, depending on your perspective.