Freedom, success, and all that jazz
The words “freedom” and “success” are thrown around a lot because their meaning is very broad. Both words call for a myriad of potential definitions and interpretations.
The word “freedom” has a central role in my life. I consider myself a free spirit, and everything I do is in the service of freedom: the freedom to be who we came to be and to live our lives in our unique way.
And because adventure runs in my family, freedom for me is also tied into adventure.
1. Freedom as in adventure
In 1980, a 25-year-young guy from my dad’s extended family, Franz Heigermoser, traveled up the entire Nile from Rwanda to Egypt in a small boat, all by himself. I met him through the documentary Death on the Nile just a few years ago. By a hair, he escaped becoming crocodile food, and he was even wrongfully incarcerated on his way up. On the positively exciting side, he got to experience life with the people he met along the way (he managed to get by speaking some Swahili and... body language). Sadly, nine months and 4,000 miles later, he was killed in Egypt before he could travel back home to celebrate his heroic trip and tell it all first-hand. His older friend, who he’d sent letters to, pieced it all together later together with the people working on the documentary. Franz had survived many other life-or-death expeditions before this trip, like climbing some of the highest mountains in South America, Africa, and Asia... all without a support crew! There's little written about him, though you can find a few reports online in German. He didn't do it for the fame.
Several decades ago, my dad rode his (very basic) bike from our village all the way to Budapest, and on another bicyle trip, almost reached Rome, which implied crossing quite a few mountains on the way. I admire him deeply for this.
In 2020, one of my nephews walked from his home in Bavaria all the way to France and Switzerland with a backpack, a small tent, and his skateboard. He walked and rode his skateboard, day after day, week after week, rain or shine. What an amazing explorative journey!
These are just three examples of many.
Your favorite kind of adventure could, of course, look very different. It may involve taking major risks in your career or as a business owner. Speaking or performing on a stage could be one of your greatest adventures. What we consider our most exciting venture may look different for each of us.
Let’s move on to another angle of freedom:
2. The freedom to live our own version of success
Our success and even our worth is often measured through money. We talk about people’s net worth, how many millions or billions of dollars they are “worth.”
But what is our real net worth?
The worth net of what others think of us? Net of our social media projection? Net of what remains when our professional or political positions or image are stripped away?
What’s the worth of who we are?
What’s the worth of what we see when we look in the mirror now? What’s the worth of what we see when we look in the mirror at the end of our lives? What did we accomplish that was aligned with what we came for, our values, our passions?
What’s the value we see in that mirror?
Yes, success may of course include money. There’s nothing to say against that, and money is always welcome. But if we want fulfillment as part of our success, then we need to first define what success means to us personally. For some, it may be only about money and titles and fame. But for others, it’s about more than that. It’s about impact, about living in purpose, in alignment, in integrity.
To me, success is about impact, feeling at ease, and freedom. And yes, part of this comes with or from money. Money is a tool, it’s not my end goal. Freedom is.
Many of us want financial freedom. But why? Because they want a certain lifestyle, specific things or a level of quality, comfortable homes, the freedom to travel where and how they want, maybe peace of mind…
I personally want the freedom to live where I want to live, to do the work I want to do, the freedom to choose who I want to do it with. I love to have freedom to design my day, to make time for music and dance, for family & friends, for travel and adventures.
Success to me means nothing without this freedom.
How about you? How do you define success? Comment!