energy leadership presence

Your energy is your most precious currency

September 11, 20242 min read

It is the most valuable resource you have because it flows into everything you do, think and are; and you have control over it, while you don’t have control over many other resources. For example, you could argue that time is your most valuable resource; and you may be right, depending on your perspective.

However, given that time cannot be managed (time management is a myth – I have written about that before), it makes more sense to focus on how you use your energy for your work, your career, your life, and what qualities you infuse it with… within the time you have available.

Your energy fuels everything:

Your thoughts

Your feelings

Your attitude

Your words

Your body

Your body language/gestures

Your presence

The impression you make

Your actions

Your relationships

Your drive


That’s why it’s essential to pay attention to your energy, evaluate not only its level but most important it’s quality, and improve both when necessary.

It’s relatively easy to increase your energy level. Some ways that come to mind immediately are:

Exercise regularly

Practice yoga, tai chi or similar

Get enough sleep

Eat healthy, nutritious foods

Drink lots of water

Take organic supplements

Do breathing exercises

But how do you improve the quality of your energy?

Well, just as energy fuels everything (see above), the reverse is also true. Our thoughts, words, feelings and actions revert back to our energy, which then is impacted positively or negatively.

Once you have elevated the quality of your energy, you can use this improved energy to the benefit of your business and leader presence, your communication, and your results… but also to keep your stress level low.

Here are some ways you can elevate the quality of your energy:

Through your thoughts: Practice self-empowering self-talk; focus on the good in the people you interact with; visualize a positive outcome

Through your feelings: When feeling low, bring back “high-vibe” memories

Through your words: Speak encouraging words to self or others; use inspiring language or affirmations

Through your attitude: Choose openmindedness or curiosity over judgment or anger

Through your gestures: Smile more often

Through your body: Tap into your inner power energy by directing your focus inward and imagine it expanding into your entire body and into the energy field beyond your body (nice side effect: this also enhances your perceived presence)


Get my book Speak up, Stand out and Shine for detailed instructions

Your energy is your most precious currency. And you know what’s best about it? Unlike other currencies, you get to determine its value. Isn’t that amazing?

It’s you who gets to mark it up, invigorate it, revitalize it! No one else but you!

So why not start now?

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others.

Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages.

Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show.

She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

Regina Huber

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others. Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages. Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show. She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

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