Personal Development Redefined- My Experience with

Quantum Human Design

Author: Nina Jagannathan- CEO, Wit’s End Studios, June 2023


I was at a crossroads in my career. My end goal was always to leave the technology corporate sphere and gravitate towards more creative endeavors with the additional flexibility to accommodate the changes in my priorities. I was at the precipice at proceeding with this move when my career coach Regina Huber gently and kindly broached the topic of Quantum Human Design™ with me. She suggested that I could benefit from a Quantum Human Design™ reading, especially at that time. I must admit I was skeptical. As someone from an East Indian background, I had grown quite weary of all the “new age” notions that were thrown at me from all directions over the years, stemming from philosophies thousands of years old—which was hardly new by anyone’s standards.

I was completely over being “guru splained.”

As if understanding this innately, Regina suggested I perform some research on the topic on my own to get a deeper understanding. So, I started my journey by reading Understanding Human Design: The New Science of Astrology: Discover Who You Really Are, by Karen Curry Parker.

In the words of Dr. Suess, my New Age Grinch’s heart grew three sizes that day.

What intrigued me the most was the fact that Quantum Human Design™ was not a contrived understanding of ancient beliefs, watered down to make it more palatable to eager wallets. Quantum Human Design™ is a complex system that blends quantum concepts with the ancient wisdom of the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and astrology. It is a system that uses a person's birth date, time, and location to create a quantum energy bodygraph, which is a visual representation of a person's unique energetic makeup. This bodygraph supplies information on the person's strengths, weaknesses, and overall life purpose.

Quantum Human Design™ is a fascinating model that combines principles from quantum concepts and human anatomy to create a visual representation of the human body on a quantum level. For the chart, Quantum Human Design™ uses the same image as traditional Human Design. The main difference between the two lies in their focus and some of their terminology.  

In Quantum Human Design™, the human body is seen as a complex system of energy and information, interconnected at a fundamental level. It is believed that on a quantum level, our bodies are composed of vibrating energy fields, and these fields interact with each other to create the physical form we perceive.  

Overall, the Quantum Human Design™ image would be a captivating portrayal of the human body as a dynamic, interconnected system of energy, highlighting the interplay between the physical, energetic, and spiritual dimensions of our being. It would invite contemplation and exploration of our “quantum nature,” encouraging a deeper understanding of ourselves and our connection to the universe.  

Ultimately, Quantum Human Design™ can also reveal your life path and your potential for success. The system can identify your natural talents and show you how to leverage them to achieve your goals. This can be especially helpful if you are feeling lost or unsure about your career or life in general.  

Based on my research, I was intrigued enough to try it. The price of admission was my location of birth, birthdate, and birth time. I was profoundly curious about what I was about to discover and what guidance I was to receive.

The Reading

I was presented with my Human Design bodygraph (Source:

Regina began by explaining the various elements of the quantum energy bodygraph, including the centers, channels, gates, and lines. The reading will proceed to interpret the person's bodygraph and provide insight into their unique strengths, challenges, and life purpose. Clients can also bring their specific questions around current challenges that they’d like to obtain input for.

In Quantum Human Design™, the bodygraph is a graphical representation of an individual's energetic blueprint. It combines elements from astrology, the I Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system to provide insights into a person's unique characteristics, life purpose, and energetic dynamics. Let us explore the different components of a Quantum Human Design™ bodygraph:  

1.    Centers: The bodygraph consists of nine centers, which are geometric shapes representing distinct aspects of human experience. Each center corresponds to specific qualities and functions. These centers are:

2. Channels: The bodygraph also displays thirty-six channels, which connect the centers. These channels represent specific pathways for the flow of energy and information within the individual. Each channel is associated with certain qualities and characteristics, and it serves as a bridge between the corresponding centers. The channels are depicted as lines connecting the centers on the bodygraph.  

3. Gates: Within each channel, there are specific points called gates. There are sixty-four gates in total, and each gate is associated with a specific I Ching hexagram. Gates represents specific aspects of human experience, such as talents, challenges, and opportunities for growth. Each gate has its own energy frequency and significance within the individual's bodygraph.  

4. Lines: The lines in a Human Design bodygraph further refine the information provided by the gates. Each gate has six possible lines, labeled 1 to 6. These lines add further depth and nuance to the qualities and characteristics associated with the gate. The lines can indicate different perspectives, strengths, and challenges within the individual's energy dynamics.  

A Human Design bodygraph will show the configuration of centers, channels, gates, and lines specific to the individual. HD bodygraphs also describe connections, activations, and interactions between these elements, providing insights into the person's life purpose, strengths, challenges, and energetic dynamics.  

It is worth noting that while Quantum Human Design™ offers a unique perspective on human energy and consciousness, it is essential to approach it with an open mind and use it as a tool for self-reflection and personal growth rather than a rigid set of rules.

Benefits of a Quantum Human Design ™ Session

There are numerous benefits to having a Quantum Human Design™ session. One of the primary benefits is gaining a deeper understanding of oneself. The session can provide insight into one's unique strengths, challenges, and life purpose, which can be empowering and help individuals make decisions that align with their true nature.  

Another benefit of a Quantum Human Design™ session is gaining clarity on one's life path. By understanding their energetic makeup and life purpose, individuals can make decisions that align with their goals and values, leading to a more fulfilling life.  

The session can also help individuals identify and overcome limiting beliefs and patterns. By understanding how their energetic makeup may influence their thoughts and behaviors, individuals can make changes to improve their lives and achieve their goals.  

The session provides insights into the best way for the individual to make life-changing decisions to get the desired results, whether it’s in the professional or personal arena.  

In conclusion, a Quantum Human Design™ session can be a powerful tool for personal growth and understanding by providing insight into one's unique energetic makeup and life purpose. The knowledge gleaned from these sessions can also play a large role in improving your decision-making acumen, i.e., making authentic decisions to obtain desired objectives. Individuals can make decisions that align with their true nature and allow them to live a more fulfilling life.

Applying the microscope of Quantum Human Design™ to your children or your partner can also bring about tremendous benefits in understanding their behaviors and deepening those relationships as well.

The difference I perceived between Quantum Human Design ™ and a Horoscope reading.

Quantum Human Design™ and horoscope readings are both forms of personal guidance systems, but they are fundamentally different in their approach and underlying principles.  

The underlying principles: Quantum Human Design™ is based on a combination of astrology, the I-Ching, the Kabbalah, and the Chakra system. It uses a person's birth data to create a unique Human Design bodygraph that reflects their energetic makeup and life purpose. On the other hand, horoscope readings are based on the position of the planets and stars at the time of a person's birth and how they relate to each other in the zodiac.  

Level of specificity: Based on my personal experience, Quantum Human Design™ provides a highly detailed and specific map of a person's energetic makeup, including their strengths, weaknesses, and life path. A horoscope reading provides more general information about a person's personality, tendencies, and potential challenges. Quantum Human Design™ is based on the idea that we all have a unique energetic blueprint that is determined by our birth date, time, and location. This means that the system is highly personalized and tailored to your specific needs.  

Overall, while both Quantum Human Design™ and horoscope readings can provide insights and guidance, it seems to me that they differ in their underlying principles, level of specificity, timeframe, use of free will, and approach to personal growth.

Nina: The Design

The overriding guidance provided with the Quantum Human Design™ reading was to take what resonates, leave what does not, and come back to it after a while. Quantum Human Design™ is an experiential tool that allows you to see the opportunity and possibility in who you are, not just the shadow side. Merely, reading about it is not sufficient; you need to live it to develop it. Everything is going to develop through your aligned process for Taking Action and Making Decisions.

The elements described are ones that will allow me to bring out my potential to contribute to the company or your team. The advisement is to choose one of the elements and observe how it plays out in your work and life. Whether I experience it or not, if I live it to its potential or in the opposite way, if it emerges with resistance, think about things you can do to integrate it and live it more in your work.

Come back to this report whenever you need to. Our nature does not change, so this report will always be valid and every time I return to it, I will read what I need to read, and I will notice different details.

Without further ado, a summary of my reading focusing on the areas of leadership and ideal job characteristics.

Leadership Insight #1:

Your energy is imprinted with the need to move quickly, and this causes you, generally, to skip steps. Just because you are here to discover more efficient ways and shortcuts doesn't mean that every time you skip steps it always works, so it is important that you allow yourself to skip steps and make mistakes without fear or embarrassment, because when you skip unnecessary steps and achieve your goal faster, you will have discovered a new shortcut that works and that you can share with others.

Source: © Human Design report content copyrighted by Human Design Technologies LTD

My response: This was my feedback numerous times before by previous mentors and managers. To say I was surprised was an understatement.

Leadership Insight #2:

Learn to wait and resist the temptation to start. The sacral has its own rhythm/timing and you do not have to like it. If you get carried away by the inner urge to initiate and start acting based on what you want to do, there is a strong possibility when the thing you are supposed to do arises, I will be too busy or inaccessible.

Source: © Human Design report content copyrighted by Human Design Technologies LTD

Leadership Insight #3:

Know yourself. Start with your strengths and move on to your potential blind spots. These are the ones that can get you started to avoid the doubts, challenges, and fears they present. Allow your sacral to respond and deeply feel your answers to establish an intimate relationship with them and be able to identify them despite doubts or logical reasons that try to lead you otherwise.

Source: © Human Design report content copyrighted by Human Design Technologies LTD

My response to both #2 and #3: This was an affirmation of how I have managed my career path. If it felt right, I proceeded with full steam. If not, I let my gut steer me to the next step. The concept of waiting until things fall into place was not my usual way of addressing things.

Ideal Job Characteristics #1:

An ideal job for you will be one that highlights your Area of Power Excellence and keeps you engaged in the right activities for you and where you can move from one activity to another while staying active: tasks, team meetings, client or partner meetings, projects, travel, concerns, management. A job in which strict planning has no place and in which you can respond moment by moment to the different proposals so that your energy is focused on what will really bring you satisfaction.

Source: © Human Design report content copyrighted by Human Design Technologies LTD

My response to #1: That has been the hallmark of my career thus far—I tend to want to be incredibly busy and be involved in multiple projects at once.

Ideal Job Characteristics #2:

An ideal job for me will be one that highlights my strong marketing acumen and gives me the chance to use my creativity to bring new things to the table in all areas and draw the attention of others to those ideas, products, creations, etc. I need a job that allows me to devise and create strategies to give visibility and promote ideas, products, creations and to make them available to potential clients or investors and facilitate access to them.

Source: © Human Design report content copyrighted by Human Design Technologies LTD

My response to #2: That was exactly what I needed to hear and when I needed to hear it. Suddenly my next steps were so clear.  

Armed with the prompting I was waiting for; I started my digital marketing consulting company the next day. And I cannot thank Regina Huber and Quantum Human Design™ enough.

If you are curious to learn more about what your life path holds, I strongly recommend you reach out to Regina Huber at Transform Your Performance to schedule a Quantum Human Design™ reading to gain clarity, direction, and validation for yourself, your family, and your friends. It was a life changer.

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