leadership, career growth, career advancement, vision

Why you need a clear vision to get ahead in your career and how to write it

August 30, 20246 min read

When clients start to work with me, they often do not have a written vision, or if they do, it’s frequently outdated or not written in a way that serves its purpose.

1.      Why is it imperative to have a vision?

Without a vision, it’s literally impossible to be intentional. Intentions need a target they are aiming at. Also, how would you ask anyone for guidance if you don’t know where you’re going? How would you ask for directions if you don’t know what your destination is?

How would you even know in what direction to start moving? See, if you don’t know where you’re going, you might as well end up somewhere else…

-> Your vision serves as your GPS

When you go on a road trip, you determine your destination and you set your GPS. Along the way, there will be places that serve as milestones; you reach a certain milestone, and then you move on to the next one. In your vision, these milestones are your goals.

Once you have reached your destination, you set your GPS to the next one. The only difference to a car ride is that you’d never to back. You will always be moving forward, and the destinations are getting better and better, as your vision grows with you.

What could also be happening is that as you are moving along, you notice that the original destination is no longer desirable. That may be because you have outgrown it. In that case, just re-set the GPS to a new, more appealing destination.

-> Your vision is the screenplay for your life

If you wrote a screenplay for your ideal life, what would it look like? What work would you do and with who, how much money would you be earning, where would you live, who would you share your life with? What would you do outside of work?

You have the right to live the life you want, and to be the protagonist in it. If you don’t steer yourself to what you want and where you find fulfillment, others may steer you where they want to see you. Don’t let that happen. It’s your life! 

2.      Why is it so important to have a written vision?

Well, it’s proven that what we write down becomes easier to achieve. But why is that?

As long as our vision in only in your mind, it’s usually just a vague idea. Very few people have a clear vision before sitting down and seriously reflecting on how to articulate it. While it is true that all things are created twice: first in your mind and then in your physical reality, writing down what you created in your mind helps you to

  • Gain clarity on whether this is really what you want

  • “Paint a clear picture” with your words so that your subconscious can work with it more easily. Through regular visualization, a clear picture or series of pictures eventually turns into a mind movie. This changes the filters of your subconscious mind, which means you will now see opportunities that may always have been there and that you didn’t previously see. Your mind can only process a small amount of the overwhelming bits of information you are exposed to at any given moment. Through the process of repeating this mental image or mind movie, you are reprogramming your mind to see what really matters for the achievement of your vision and goals.

  • Writing your vision down forces you to articulate your ideas and dreams clearly. (And by the way, I so often here: “Dreams don’t come true. Plans come true.” – Yes, and… there is no plan without a dream that turned into a vision). A previously vague idea now becomes a clear vision.

  • Writing it down produces a sense of commitment toward its implementation. Now that it’s on paper, it’s

3.      How would you write an effective vision?

One of the advantages of a written vision is that it helps you change your subconscious filters. our subconscious likes images. It doesn’t work well with abstract terms.

That’s why it’s so essential to use concrete, descriptive language. Descriptive language automatically creates pictures in your mind.

Be as specific as possible even if there are parts of your vision that you may need to complete or update later. For example, if one of the goals in your vision is to upgrade your income, don’t just say “I want more money.” One penny is also more money. Specify the number you want and update it later if needed.

Your vision must be written in present tense and in full sentences. Not just bullet points! You write it as if it’s already happening, like a moving you’re playing in your mind, and as if you were in that movie now. (Remember, we said your vision is your screenplay, and you’re the protagonist in it.)

Avoid language such as “I hope,” “I want,” “I would like.” None of that has a place in a vision. Instead, use verbs that describe what specifically you are doing or how you do it. For example: “As an Executive Vice President, I work with a top professional team at X organization in X area. My team appreciates my excellent leadership, and I have great relationships with all stakeholders. My annual salary is $X+. I work approximately 40 hours/week and during my leisure time, I enjoy the company of X. We work out together three times/week and travel to exotic destinations at least twice/year…” You get the idea.

Make sure your vision is aligned with your core values and purpose. If you are not sure what your values are, spend some time with that question to gain clarity. Two questions may bring you closer to your values: “What matters to you?” and “What are you passionate about?” These questions are also related to your purpose.

But what is that even, purpose? As far as I am concerned, my purpose consists of three main components:

  • My personal growth

  • My contribution to the collective consciousness and the evolution of humanity through this growth

  • Using my life to make an impact with my unique talents, abilities, wisdom, and strengths.

This is how I define purpose. You may define it differently… That’s alright. But what matters is that you have an idea of what it is, or else your vision may lack direction, and your life as well.

4.      What’s the WHY behind the WHAT?

The WHAT is your vision, the WHY is the reason for it.

It’s essential that you know why you want to implement your vision. Without one or two compelling WHYs, it can be very difficult to keep going when the going gets tough; to move through potential rough storms along the way. A strong reason for your vision gives you resilience and persistence. So, I suggest you figure that out as well.

Visit my YouTube channel @ReginaHuber and watch my video on how to write an effective vision.

If you have any additional questions about writing your vision, like how long it should be or what timeframe it should be for, just DM me, and I’ll be happy to assist.



As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others.

Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages.

Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show.

She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

Regina Huber

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others. Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages. Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show. She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

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