What’s it like to live in your highest expression as you move through your career?
Do you sometimes feel like there’s so much more inside of you but you don’t quite know how to move your talents and capabilities into the spotlight so you can shine? Like the right opportunities are just not showing up or you’re not reaching the right people? Like no one sees you or your own brilliance is not valued in the right places?
It can be frustrating to be limited by invisibility, to be passed over for high-profile projects or promotions… despite your outstanding work and all your competence. Or maybe you feel angry, bitter, or disappointed about it.
There are many possible reasons for no one (or not the right people) seeing you that have to do with your confidence, your business presence, your networking skills and activities (or lack thereof), your negotiation skills, your being in the wrong environment, in an unfavorable location, etc. There are too many potential reasons to list, and some of them I have covered in previous articles.
Today, I want to talk about something you may not have considered in this context: Let’s talk about what it could look and feel like to live either in your highest expression or in your own shadow, and how this is related to your Type in Human Design.
I was inspired to write about this by recent materials created by Karen Curry Parker, the creator of Quantum Human Design™, and I will be extracting some of the ideas included in an exercise she put out to her community. Some of the wording you’ll read below is Karen’s, while I have
I invite you to play along with me: Read through the following five descriptions of the two sides of the coin: the high expression vs. the shadow aspect, and observe which of the five resonates the most with you (independently of whether you find yourself on one side or the other):
When you are at your best, you often feel inspired and deeply connected with your purpose, the role you came to have in this life. You own your power; you know when the time is right to take action and how to communicate your planned action steps in advance. You are a change agent and easily inspire others to create transformation. When you experience a low or feel stuck, you feel powerless, and you may see yourself involved in power struggles. It’s hard to find the right people you could inspire to play a part in the change or transformation you’d like to bring about, and you easily erupt in anger when someone interrupts you when you finally find your creative flow.
When you are at your best, you learn through experience, by doing. You live by the motto: practice leads to mastery. You live a life of exploration and building, where over time you find the “best way.” You are aligned for and open to receiving opportunities, which you successfully evaluate and respond to. You patiently trust that the “best next thing” will be offered to you when you’re ready, which allows you to steadily level up over time. When you experience a low or feel stuck, you tend to quit too quickly as you get frustrated because things are not moving fast enough. You get impatient, wanting to know right now what comes next.
When you are at your best, you are aware of your power and the fact that sometimes you move faster than others, which may need to be managed. You may even skip steps. You know that alignment is needed for the right opportunities to show up on your way, and you are able to impact other people’s perception of what’s possible. When you experience a low or feel stuck, you tend to quit too quickly as you get frustrated or angry because things are not moving fast enough. You may also experience bouts of anger when your flow is interrupted.
When you are at your best, you nurture your body, mind, and spirit. You know how to pace your work and when to replenish and recharge your batteries in between. You know your value and when to share it with others. You’re great at and enjoy managing and guiding others. When you experience a low or feel stuck, you feel unseen, unheard, and unvalued. You may even reach burnout mode.
When you are at your best, you feel aligned with your community because you are in one that’s right for you. It’s easy for you to feel at ease in your surroundings because it’s the right environment for you. When you experience a low or feel stuck, you may feel disappointed and depleted. Maybe because you’re trying to fix the people around you rather than finding an environment and community that feels more aligned.
Can you identify with any of these five descriptions, whether it’s with the pleasant side of it or the uncomfortable one? Or maybe both sides as you reflect on this while considering an extended period of your life?
We are all designed differently.
If you’re familiar with Human Design, then you know that there are five "Types," which correspond to the above descriptions: Manifestor, Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, and Reflector. In Quantum Human Design™, which was created by Karen Curry Parker, these five Types received new (potentially more meaningful) designations, which are Initiator, Alchemist, Time Bender, Orchestrator, and Calibrator, respectively.
Having said that, we are of course much more complex and unique than this. That’s why the five Types are just the overarching groups.
The purpose of Human Design is not to put people into categories. (If you’ve read other articles by me, then you know that I’m absolutely not for “boxing people up.” Quite the opposite: I want us to look at each individual's Distinctive Uniqueness and I will always encourage you to uncover your unique genius and authentic brilliance.)
The intention here is to help us know ourselves better, become more self-aware, learn about the “Strategy” and “Authority” that are best for us to take us forward on our career and life path, that help us make the best choices for who we are (designed to be), and as a result, make our lives and careers easier, more enjoyable, and more impactful.
Are you curious about your Quantum Human Design™ chart and how to make your career and life easier, more enjoyable, and more impactful?
Then reach out in a private message. I’m always here to support you and I have a special going on right now for a session, where we explore your specific chart, what it means, and how to make the best of it so you can advance your career faster, achieve success with greater ease, reduce your stress, and avoid burnout.
Email me to find out more.