Six ways to align for inspired creation that leads to success
Miracles happen – also in your career – when alignment happens.
What does that mean? It means miracles are the natural consequence of superior alignment. Miracles a no mystery. They can be explained – logically, scientifically, and spiritually.
So how do you align?
1. Mentally
This is about thinking more thoughts that serve us.
What’s the prevailing nature of your thoughts and thought patterns? What are you focusing on most of the time?
Are you thinking your thoughts consciously, with awareness, or are your thoughts thinking you? Do they throw you off the path toward the fulfillment of your desires and goals?
Admittedly, it’s quite hard to control your thoughts. It requires a lot of discipline. Because when we try to not think about something, the opposite usually happens. It’s like when you want to get rid of those extra pounds and you try to not think about the foods you crave: You crave them even more.
Isn’t it interesting how addicted we can be to thoughts that don’t do us any good? Have you ever wondered why it’s harder to think empowering, beneficial thoughts than to think those sticky limiting ones?
Why are we so conditioned to think thoughts that trigger resistance or negative emotions? (I have a few ideas about that…)
Be that as it may, what’s often more effective than fighting undesirable thoughts is to find a new one, for example a memory of an experience that felt good and yummy. Try it next time you have one of those sneaky thoughts that you want to get rid of. Invite in a more joyful one.
2. Emotionally
Your feelings and emotions are generated by your thoughts, reactions to events and people.
We often hear: Your thoughts create your reality, but that’s not exactly true: It’s the emotions that are attached to your thoughts that create your reality.
What we call “negative” feelings are indicators that something is off and needs to be brought back into alignment, meaning the vibrational match with what we want needs to be (re-)established. If we feel bad, it’s hard to attract something good. The frequencies must be aligned.
It’s the Law of Vibration, the colleague of the Law of Attraction. That’s why it’s so important to add corresponding emotions to your visualizations of what you want to create or manifest.
3. Through the heart
This is about learning to listen to your heart and hear what it wants to communicate to you. Dropping into your heart space and allowing your heart to speak to you. Receiving the message.
When your heart leads your mind, when there is coherence of heart and mind, that’s when the magic happens.
While I could try to explain this further, it’s best to experience it for yourself. There are some videos about this topic on my YouTube channel @reginahuber. I invite you to check them out.
4. Physically
Alignment through the body can be achieved by choosing a posture that feels powerful to you. For example, sitting upright feels more powerful than slouching.
And standing with your feet hip-width apart feels more empowering than crossing your legs while standing, especially while presenting.
Deep breathing can also help with physical alignment. It triggers a physiological reaction that calms your nerves and brings you into your body. It makes you feel more present in your body and in the moment.
Feeding your body healthy foods supports physical alignment, too.
5. Energetically
Your energy is in everything mentioned above and below. It flows into all of it.
Having said this, you can specifically align by practicing energy-focused techniques. There are several of those in my book Speak up, Stand out and Shine. Check it out!
6. Through authenticity
Authenticity can produce a very strong vibrational frequency. It makes you feel naturally good when you’re authentic, when you’re standing in your true self, when you feel empowered to show what’s in you.
Whatever you set out to create in your life, professionally or personally, it’s key to be authentic. Being you trumps everything. There’s nothing or little that will favor your success more. Authenticity is the way to up your game.
Once you are aligned, once your mind, heart, emotions, body, energy and authenticity are aligned, your action becomes aligned. It becomes inspired and effective for what you want to achieve: your vision, your goals, the purpose you want to fulfill.
If you’d like to receive additional guidance on how to align and how to make your best decisions, hit me up for a special Quantum Human Design™ session. Until April 9, I’m offering these sessions at only $90. (Spots are very limited.) This special includes your personal chart, a 60-min. session, the session recording, and a career- and leadership-focused report. Want one? Email me!