salary increase

How to fully own your value and feel confident about asking for the paycheck you really want, DESPITE the economy

September 16, 20242 min read


Your value is in your mind. To a large extent, the value you convey to those around you depends on what you believe it is.

That’s why it’s so important to own your value. But to own it, you must first know it. Once you own and know it, you can show it. I’ve written and posted about uncovering your unique brilliance and genius before, so I will not go into detail about it in this article. In a nutshell, I recommend you do a deep dive on all the great talents, skills, abilities, passions, and experience you bring to your job, and find a way to embody the tremendous value you hopefully identify through this exercise.

Owning this value will increase your self-esteem and confidence. But what about all those articles that tell you that workers are losing ground against employers, and that you should be afraid to ask for a salary increase (despite two-digit real inflation) because of the economy?

Let’s tackle this!

There are always people who make lots of money during recessions and crises. They ask for a big raise, and they get it. Why? – They know they have something to offer that’s of great value, especially now. They look for the opportunity rather than the excuse.

Now, I’m not saying that the job you want necessarily represents an opportunity during an economic downturn (although it could); I just want you to not fall into the trap to get discouraged by it or use it as an excuse to not ask.

When you own your value and worth to an extent that you can free yourself from exterior circumstances, and you can hold that thought for 30 seconds, you will know that you can always win, whatever the circumstances.

Admittedly, this requires some practice, and you also may need specific guidance or a technique.

The question is, do you want to ask for the paycheck you want or not? And do you want to do it now, before the year ends? Then you may need to make this mindset shift.

Your mindset determines what you can achieve, and it also rules the amount of money you will earn. It defines how big your paycheck can get, not the economy.

Start shifting your mind today.

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others.

Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages.

Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show.

She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

Regina Huber

As the CEO of TRANSFORM YOUR PERFORMANCE, Regina Huber drives bold, heart-centered leadership. She helps her clients accelerate their careers and become thriving leaders by leveling up their leadership of self & others. Her eclectic experience on five continents started in Germany and includes leadership roles at BCG as well as ownership of businesses in Argentina, Brazil, and the U.S. This experience shaped her into a multicultural Transformational Leadership Coach, International Inspirational Speaker, and Author of Speak up, Stand out and Shine. She created five signature coaching frameworks and is the host of RISE TO LEAD Podcast. She also co-authored three other books and speaks five languages. Over the years, she has spoken at events and taught workshops in the U.S., Africa, Latin America, Asia/Middle East, and Australia. For several years, she was an active Member of the Leadership Team of the Financial Women’s Association (FWA), where she co-chaired two committees, and she has collaborated with numerous organizations in Africa. She is a Member of Innovation Women. She was also the host of the What’s Your Spark TV show. She has a passion for travel, adventure, and dance.

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